As in all of Morocco, the Ranch de Diabat will not fail to celebrate and to celebrate this significant date it will be open to welcome you. Our activities are suitable for spending a day with the family and for spending special moments in the company of the people we care about

The end of Ramadan is celebrated on the first day of the month of Shawwal. In particular with a three-day holiday, called Id-al-Fitr (feast of breaking fast). The party often includes reuniting with friends, with relative family lunches and exchanges of gifts. Especially in big cities, it will be possible to see the faithful praying in the street or hear echoes of celebration from the neighbors. In fact, the celebrations for the end of Ramadan are made up of prayer on the one hand, but also of meeting with relatives on the other to celebrate the moment of great religious significance with banquets and gifts.
The peculiarity of this festival is that it is very difficult to establish precisely when it will happen each year. Not only does it change date, but it is different depending on the part of the world in which it is celebrated. In fact, Ramadan takes into account the lunar calendar, that is, the one based exclusively on the phases of the moon. Eid al Fitr therefore corresponds to the first day of the month of Shawwal, which is fixed when the new moon appears in the sky.
For this reason, there is no pre-established and valid date for the entire Islamic world: the Eid al Fitr is in fact set according to the geographical position of a particular country. That is, there could be differences from area to area for the entry of the new moon into the sky and therefore the beginning of the month of Shawwal.
Lunch has a very important meaning, since it is the first that can be done after a month of fasting practiced from dawn to dusk. In some ways, this lunch marks the actual transition from the month of Ramadan and therefore the end of abstinence from food during the day. Each town on Eid al Fitr day sees all the main traditional foods of a specific area appear on the tables of their families.
Our activities are suitable for spending a day with the family and for spending special moments in the company of our loved ones, whether it's a sunset ride on the beach or a banquet in a traditional Moroccan bivouac.
Proposed activities: 3-day and 2-night weekend →
Cities to visit: We advise you to get lost in the alleys of Essaouira, among the smiles of the people and cats that populate the streets of the Medina.
What is Id-al-Fitr?
It is the time of the closing of Ramadan, but in a religious sense it is the end of the month when the Quran was first revealed to the Prophet. It is a very important holiday for the Islamic community and is second only to Eid al Adha, the festival of sacrifice held at the end of the pilgrimage to Mecca and which commemorates the sacrifice of Abraham.The peculiarity of this festival is that it is very difficult to establish precisely when it will happen each year. Not only does it change date, but it is different depending on the part of the world in which it is celebrated. In fact, Ramadan takes into account the lunar calendar, that is, the one based exclusively on the phases of the moon. Eid al Fitr therefore corresponds to the first day of the month of Shawwal, which is fixed when the new moon appears in the sky.
For this reason, there is no pre-established and valid date for the entire Islamic world: the Eid al Fitr is in fact set according to the geographical position of a particular country. That is, there could be differences from area to area for the entry of the new moon into the sky and therefore the beginning of the month of Shawwal.
How to celebrate
The feast of the end of fasting traditionally begins at dawn on the first day of the month of Shawwal, with a particular prayer called Salat al-Fajr. Afterwards we organize ourselves for lunches to be spent most of the time with the family. After prier both at home and in mosques, people visit their closest friends and relatives.Lunch has a very important meaning, since it is the first that can be done after a month of fasting practiced from dawn to dusk. In some ways, this lunch marks the actual transition from the month of Ramadan and therefore the end of abstinence from food during the day. Each town on Eid al Fitr day sees all the main traditional foods of a specific area appear on the tables of their families.
Celebrate Id-al-Fitr with us
As in all of Morocco, even at the Ranch de Diabat there will be celebrations to celebrate this significant date.Our activities are suitable for spending a day with the family and for spending special moments in the company of our loved ones, whether it's a sunset ride on the beach or a banquet in a traditional Moroccan bivouac.
Come and visit us on the occasion of the Ramadan end party on weekends 29/30 April - 1 May
Proposed activities: 3-day and 2-night weekend →
Cities to visit: We advise you to get lost in the alleys of Essaouira, among the smiles of the people and cats that populate the streets of the Medina.